Here is what I found:
1. Musk did not say illegal immigrants vote. I took what he said to mean that they are likely to vote if naturalized. (He may be wrong or right on this).
2. As an immigrant himself, Musk is for greatly expanding legal immigration. He is against border anarchy.
Yeah, US immigration is completely backwards: trivial to enter illegally and nightmarishly difficult to enter legally!
I strongly support increasing and expediting legal immigration.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 23, 2024
3. Some make the argument that immigrants who enter illegally because of the Biden administration are more apt to vote for Democrats (based on interviews with them). I agree, that whether they do vote or not is an empirical matter.
4. Thanks to Biden’s executive order, illegals count toward the census which determines house seat counts in Federal elections:
“Accordingly, the executive branch has always determined the population of each State, for purposes of congressional representation, without regard to whether its residents are in lawful immigration status.”
"Accordingly, the executive branch has always determined the population of each State, for purposes of congressional representation, without regard to whether its residents are in lawful immigration status."
— Voice of Reason (@voicereason05) March 8, 2024
Some estimates show that the net effect of placing them in Democratic strongholds is to give Democrats a lock on an additional 20 plus house seats.
Most Americans are still unaware that the census counts ALL people, including illegal immigrants, for deciding how many House seats each state gets!
This results in Dem states getting roughly 20 more House seats, which is another strong incentive for them not to deport illegals.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 7, 2024
5. Illegals in some states do end up voting in Federal elections due to the lax state ID standards for voting, etc. See this thread:
Yes they do vote. Many are confused by volunteers who tell them they can. So they go vote only to find out later, it was illegal. This issue pops up when they’re legalizing for status. Surprising you’ve never had an immigration client in this situation.
— Esther Valdes Clayton (@Esther_Valdes) March 5, 2024
Musk may be wrong or right on some facts. I see that he is open to changing his views when presented with facts which he sees as facts. I think his errors are due to the noise out there.