Who: Dr. Keith Lockitch, resident fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute

What: A talk and Q&A on Atlas Shrugged and the application of Ayn Rand’s ideas to environmentalism

When: Saturday, December 8, 2007, at 3 pm

Where: Frances Howard Goldwyn Hollywood Regional Library, 1623 N. Ivar Ave., Hollywood, CA 90028; Phone: (323) 856-8260

Sponsored by: Los Angeles Public Library and the Ayn Rand Institute

Admission is FREE

Description: Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged was published in 1957, about a decade before the rise of the modern environmentalist movement.  Yet the ideas in Atlas Shrugged are indispensable to understanding and evaluating environmentalism.

In this talk, Dr. Lockitch will discuss the application of Ayn Rand’s ideas to environmentalism, exploring such questions as man’s proper relationship to nature and the deeper meaning of “sustainability.” 

Lockitch will discuss the crucial principles Rand identified in Atlas Shrugged that clarify a proper approach to the environment, and discuss the application of those principles to environmentalism–their application by Rand herself in her later writings on the nascent “ecology” movement of the 1960’s, as well as their application to today’s environmentalist movement.

Bio: Dr. Lockitch has a PhD in Physics from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and is a resident fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI). He writes and edits for ARI and is a professor in the Objectivist Academic Center, where he teaches undergraduate writing and a graduate course on the history of physics. His writings have appeared in publications such as the Orange County Register and the San Francisco Chronicle.

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