Steyn on Moore:
Midway through the picture, a “peace” activist provides a perfect distillation of its argument. He recalls a conversation with an acquaintance, who observed, “bin Laden’s a real asshole for killing all those people”. “Yeah,” says the “pacifist”, “but he’ll never be as big an asshole as Bush.” That’s who Michael Moore makes films for: those sophisticates who know that, no matter how many people bin Laden kills, in the assholian stakes he’ll always come a distant second to Bush.
I can understand the point of being Michael Moore: there’s a lot of money in it. What’s harder to figure out is the point of being a devoted follower of Michael Moore. Apparently, the sophisticated, cynical intellectual class is so naïve it’ll fall for any old hooey peddled by a preening opportunist burlesque act.