James Taranto of Opinion Journal, has a hilarious post that polks fun at the anti-Bush media and the Leftist Republic of California, but noting its similarities to Iraq:
California is a desert land roughly the size of Iraq. It is also an object lesson in the dangers of trying to impose democracy in a culture that is not ready for it. California “is degenerating into a banana republic,” writes former Enron adviser Paul Krugman in his New York Times column. Leon Panetta, himself a Californian, writes in the Los Angeles Times that California is undergoing a “breakdown in [the] trust that is essential to governing in a democracy.” Newsday quotes Bob Mulholland, another California political activist, as warning of “a coup attempt by the Taliban element.” Others say a move is under way to “hijack” California’s government.
What isn’t widely known is that the U.S. has a large military presence in California. And our troops are coming under attack from angry locals. “Two off-duty Marines were stabbed, one critically, when they and two companions were attacked by more than a dozen alleged gang members early Thursday,” KSND-TV reports from San Diego, a city in California’s south.
How many young American men and women will have to make the ultimate sacrifice before we realize it isn’t worth it? Is the Bush administration too proud to ask the U.N. for help in pacifying California? Plainly California has turned into a quagmire, and the sooner we bring our troops back home, the better.
(Hat Tip: Paul Blair)