In the days after U.S. forces captured Saddam’s powerbase in Tikrit, a dozen Turkish Special Forces troops were dispatched south from Turkey. Their target: the northern oil city of Kirkuk, now controlled by the U.S. 173rd Airborne Division’s 3rd Brigade. Using the pretext of accompanying humanitarian aid the elite soldiers passed through the northern city of Arbil on Tuesday. They wore civilian clothes, their vehicles lagging behind a legitimate aid convoy. They’d hoped to pass unnoticed. But at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Kirkuk they ran into trouble. “We were waiting for them,” says a U.S. paratroop officer. The Turkish Special Forces team put up no resistance though a mean arsenal was discovered in their cars, including a variety of AK-47s, M4s, grenades, body armor and night vision goggles. “They did not come here with a pure heart,” says U.S. brigade commander Col. Bill Mayville. “Their objective is to create an environment that can be used by Turkey to send a large peacekeeping force into Kirkuk.” [Time, 4/24/03]

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